Wednesday, 25 February 2015


//Provided For Honest Review//
Hey girls,

Today I am presenting you another spring manicure that was inspired by one of my newest scarfs. This mani happened, because I was off to do a french mani yesterday night, cuz I have realized I haven't done a french mani for a while. And I ended up with this. Interesting, right? I applied the base colou for french, and looked at the nails and said: wait, this could totally work for a scarf design. And so this mani was born! More details after the jump! :)

I started with my new Catrice polish from the Luxury Nudes Collection. It is the Fresh Love Affair. Then I sponged randomly the aqua and peach colour. I used my new Kiko polishes - Mint Milk and Light Peach. Some of the spots were sponged two or three times and some just once, so I made that shaky look.

Because these polishes dry very quickly and I didn't need to apply a coat of Poshe. So I just stamped a lace design from MoYou London Bridal Plate 06 using Mundo de Unas - Aqua. Because MdU polishes allow you to work slower than usual stamping polishes (cuz they don't dry so fast on the stamper) when I picked up the design, I removed some parts of the design using my clean up brush and acetone. Then I stamped it on the nail.

When i was done stamping my first lace design, I did another stamping. So I stamped over it a design from Pet'la Plate - Dandelion 2 with Mundo de Unas - Dark Gray. I also removed some parts using brush and acetone before stamping on the nail. Oh, and you can get your MdU stamping polishes from Hypnotic Polish online store.

In the end I added some gray dots, and soaked up from it some polish so they look more pale. In the end I applied one coat of OPI Matte Top Coat.

Here is my scarf design


What do you think about this manicure? Did I match the design from the scarf? :) I could really decide if that are flowers or what, so I went with something more abstract. So feel free to share your thoughts with me, I will be really happy to hear them.

<3 Stay tuned <3

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  1. Noro lepo <3 Vsakič ko gledam te lepe manikure se kregam, da se morem spravit k svojim šablonam in se malo igrat, pa mi na koncu nikoli ne uspe. Ampak bom...v kratkem =P Ful mi je všeč manikura, to, da je mat, ji da piko na i ;)

    1. Hvala :) Jaz pa skoraj sploh ne morem imeti samo namazanih nohtov, vedno moram nekaj naštempljati še povrh :)

  2. I love this design and of course your new scarf! Amazing!!

    1. Thanks hun! :) I think I will have to buy more scarfs :)

  3. You matched it perfectly to the scarf! Your nail art looks even better than the pattern on the scarf in my opinion :)

  4. You translated the design on the scarf wonderfully

  5. Beautiful as always, I love your ideas and designs!

    1. Thank you Flora! :) I am so happy you like my work <3


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