Thursday, 4 June 2015


//Provided For Honest Review//

Hey ladies,
If you are following my blog regularly, you know that I am mad about holo polishes. Today I have prepared for you a a review od the Darling Diva Polish - Pop Back To The 80's Collection, which is really mindblowing. I have received it about a month ago, before my accident with the pinkie nail, and you may have noticed I have already used them in one of my tutorials - to be speciffic, in the tropical nail art tutorial. I am not letting you down this time either, so in the end of this post, you can find another tutorial! Hope you will enjoy it.

Živjo punce,
V kolikor redno spremljate moj blog, potem zagotovo veste, da sem nora na lake s holografskim finišem. Danes sem zato za vas (in nas!) pripravila oceno lakov iz kolekcije Pop Back To The 80's od Darling Diva Polish. Paket sem sicer prejela že pred kakšnim mesecem, preden se mi je pripetila nesreča z mezinčkom, tako da ste verjetno opazile tudi, da sem lake že uporabljala v enem izmed mojih tutorialov - če sem bolj natančna v tropical nail art tutorialu. Tudi tokrat vas ne bom razočarala, zato lahko na koncu te objave najdete še en tutorial! Upam da boste uživali!

Pop Back To The 80's is a six piece collection of neon linear holographic holos. These holos are described as soft neons, because they don't pop out sooo  brightly as the regular neons. However, I like all the shades, even the glitter one, which is so special. Haven't seen anything like this before. The formula is nice, maybe slightly on a thicker side, but not a thing to worry about, because the application is very smooth and easy. All of them are fully opaque in two coats on their own, but to make the color pop out a bit more, I have used a white base color under them. They dry quite fast and a bit matte, so if you don't like this, use a good topcoat to solve this "problem". I have swatched all of the shades without a topcoat, of course the glitter polish is an exeption, because you know... It is glitter! :) The brush is of a usual shape and normal size. Ok, now we know the characteristics, let's move to the swatches. All pictures are taken under indoor artificial light, because I am swatching at night, so no sun for me! In the sun, all the holo effects are much stronger, than shown in the pictures.

Pop Back To The 80's je kolekcija šestih neon lakov s holografskim finišem. Uradno so opisani kot nežni neoni, ker barva ni tako živa-živa kot pri pravih neon lakih. Kakorkoli že, čisto vsaki odtenek mi je všeč po svoje, celo bleščičasti, ker je pač nekaj posebnega. Doslej še nisem zasledila takega laka. Formula je dobra, mogoče malce gostejša, ampak nič kar bi vas moralo skrbeti, saj je nanos zelo enostaven. Vsi laki so popolnoma prekrivni v dveh plasteh. Jaz sem jih sicer nanašala preko bele osnove, saj to poskrbi, da lakec bolj izstopa. Sušijo se dokaj hitro, imajo pa malce mat zaključek, tako da predlagam da v kolikor vam to ne ustreza, uporabite dober, sijoč nadlak za popoln lesk. Vse lake sem poslikala brez nadlaka, razen seveda bleščičastega, ker saj veste... Bleščice! :) Čopič je normalne širine, a vseeno omogoča nanos v zgolj parih potezah. Dobro, zdaj ko vemo značilnosti lakov, poglejmo še vsakega posebaj... od blizu! Ker fotografiram ponoči, so vsi posnetki narejeni pod umetno svetlobo... Ah, nič sončka zame! :( Na soncu je holo efekt sicer precej močnejši kot na slikah spodaj.

Punkity - is a soft neon chartreuse holo, or just simply, a yellow holo with a lot of green undertone.
Punkity - je nežen neon lak s holografskim finišem rumene barve, z veliko zelenega podtona.

Puffball - is a soft neon pink holo.
Puffball - je nežen neon lak s hografskim finišem roza barve.

Pretty Bit - is a soft neon purple berry holo.
Pretty Bit - je vijoličen neon lak s holografskim finišem.

P.C. - is a soft neon blue holo.
P.C. - je nežen neon lak s holografskim finišem modre barve.

Putter - is a soft neon green holo.
Putter - je nežen neon lak s holografskim finišem zelene barve.

Big Kick - is a black and white glitter nail polish in a clear linear holographic base. Swatched over Bourjois -  Are You Reddy?.
Big Kick - je lak s črnimi in belimi bleščicami v proznorni linearno holografski osnovi. Na slikah prikazan preko Bourjois - Are You Reddy? laka.

For the tropical stamping look below, I have used three polishes from the collection above. I have used Punkity, Puffball and Pretty Bit to create the gradient over a white base. That purple thing you will see in the video below is liquid latex, that helps you to make a less messy manicure. For the stamping I have used my newest Messy Mansion stamping plate MM46. I used two designs from this plate, and stamped them with Mundo de Unas Black stamping polish. After the cleanup I applied a coat of my favourite top coat Poshe (I know it is a Seche bottle, but there is Poshe inside).

Za tropski videz, ki ga vidite spodaj sem uporabila tri laka iz zgornje kolekcije. Prelivanje sem usvarila s pomočjo bele osnove in lakov Punkity, Puffball in Pretty Bit. Tista vijolična zadeva okrog nohta, ki jo lahko vidite v videu spodaj, je tekoči lateks, ki poskrbi, da so manikure bolj čiste kar se tiče obnohtne kožice. Za odtis sem uporabila najnovejšo Messy Mansion ploščico MM46. Uporabila sem dva dizajna, nanesla sem jih pa s pomočjo Mundo de Unas Black laka za odtisovanje. Na koncu sem nanesla še eno plast najljubšega nadlaka Poshe (vem da je flaška od Seche, ampak notri je Poshe!).

If you are wondering how the thing looks while in process, watch the video below!
V kolikor vas zanima kako izgleda manikura v nastajanju si obvezno poglejte spodnji video!

Hope you enjoyed this long post! :) Stay tuned for more beauty stuff! <3
Upam da ste uživali v tej dolgi objavi! :) Ne zamudite preostaih lepotnih stvari... kmalu! <3

//Vsi izdelki so bili poslani v oceno//

Darling Diva Polish: Shop, Facebook, Instagram


  1. Gyönyörűek, és a nyomdázott manikűr is nagyon jól néz ki! :)

  2. I'm so glad to see you back blogging about nail polish and nail art. I love the video too. Are you going to focus more on nails again?

    1. Well, as you could read, I was off for some known reasons, and had to find a way to keep posting... I got interested in other beauty things as well, so there will be a post about other things here and there, but the main focus will stay on nails. I think I have mentioned that in on of the previous posts! :)

  3. Uau res nori lakci :) Pa manikura je še posebej zanimiva in zapletena videt! :D

  4. Nekem is nagyon tetszik a nyomdázott manikűröd. :)

  5. A nyomdázott mani álom szép és természetesen a körömlakkok is csodálatosak, a kedvencem Putter.

  6. Wow - what a beautiful collection. Your swatches are so pretty! And that gradient/stamped mani you did - gorgeous!!! Thank you for the wonderful photos, and for sharing!


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