Sunday, 3 May 2015


//Provided For Honest Review//

Hey ladies!

Today I have for you a good news and a bad news! The good news for you is that I will have all the time of this world for blogging again! YEAH! The bad news is... I am in a nub club! :( I have broken my pinkie nail on my Cinderella hand (left hand), so I am kind a struggling right now to get some decent pictures of my right hand, besides the pictures, where I am using only three fingers to show you the polishes... Another good thing is, I have quite a few unpublished things, so I think I will try to run out of those first, and hope my nails grow until then! :) That is why I have decided to show you some Dance Legend swatches today. Hope you will enjoy it!

Lisa - is a creme electric blue nail polish. It has an amazing formula, just like all the polishes from the Binary Collection. The application is easy, I used two thin coats for the swatches below. It is recomended to use the Binary Top Coat to extend the wear of the polish.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Sonya - is a forest green nail plish with some blue shimmer in it. I am soooo in love with this color. I really regret I haven't shown this one to you earlier. This will be probably my go to color for the upcoming fall season! Easy application and amazing formula are two things that go with this nail polish as well. I am showing you two coats on the swatches below.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

I love the entire Binary Collection... The colours are so intense, and the formula is great. This is certainly one of my favourite Dance Legend collections in general. I am getting some new goodies from this brand, so stay tuned for my swatches and posts.

<3 LOVE <3

Get in touch with Dance Legend: Shop, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube


  1. Wow az első mennyire vibráló, igazi nyári szín, a második pedig nagyon kellemes, annak ellenére, hogy nem valami csajos :D

  2. Nekem is az első tetszik jobban. :)

  3. Very helpful article!! Women are always concerned about their nails. I give my nails a makeover with Sakare's nail treatments and am very satisfied with the results.


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