Wednesday, 8 April 2015


//Provided For Honest Review//
Good evening ladies,

I am back!:) I was still busy today with the cleaning and everything, so I didn't have time to do a normal post, I am sorry! But I do know, I haven't written anything about the new in products last week, so today I am actually writing about the new in stuff for the last two weeks! Most of the stuff came in last week - my boyfriend's sister said that she felt like it was Christmas because of all the packages! It was a pleasant surprise when I came home! :) If you want to see everything I got, check the post below! :)

Firstly, my Paint Shop Polish beauties! :) I got two spring linear holos from Candi to swatch them and give you my honest opinion. The shades are more like baby blue and baby pink! :) You know I am sucker for holos, and if you would like to see the pink one in action, check one of my previous posts, where I have used it as a base for one of my Easter manicures.

My second blogger pack arrived from Candace - the mind behind the Dazzle Glaze polishes. This package wasn't really planned now, so I will have to put them aside, and finish firstly all the other stuff, because I still have a loooot of things to swatch!

Then I got my huge Nailland Hungary order! :) I got the entire China Glaze Road Trip Collection. I have been waiting for this one so long, that in the end I bought all of them! I mean, those blues, and pinks, and corals.... OH! Speachless! :)

I also got my liquid latex refill. So, for all of you who are wondering what is that purple stuff I am applying to my cuticles for easier clean up - it is this! :)I am ordering it from a German online shop - here is the link!

Then last week I also grabed a few Essence LE polishes in a local drugstore. I got only three of them, because the coral one was missing. The LE collection is Love & Sound!

While I wasn't at home, I also got my Color4Nails order - three Zoya polishes. I haven't bought Zoya polishes for ages, but I am pretty much into matte stuff lately, so I decided to give it a shot. I got two Matte Velvet polishes and the beautiful Blaze.

And the last thing (quite big thing) I got are the new Essence polishes! :) The Gel look core colection! I bought the base and the top coat as well, I am really curious how these will work! Anyway, you will see on the pictures below, that there is one polish that isn't Gel, but is from the old core collection. Reason? I never buy the first polish in the row on the rack, because girls tend to try them in our drogstores, so I always take one from the back! And guess, what? These two were replaced, and I saw it only when I was already at home! :( But I love the colour anyway! :)

That's it for today! :) Stay tuned!

Get in touch with Paint Shop Polish: Shop, Facebook, Twitter
Get in touch with Nailland Hungary: Shop, Facebook, Instagram
Get in touch with Dazzle Glaze: Shop, Facebook, Instagram


  1. Nekem legjobban a China Glaze szépségek tetszenek!!! :)

  2. Egy pár körömlakk kimondottan egyedinek néz ki.


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