Monday, 16 March 2015


//Provided For Honest Review//
Hey girls,

Finally some free time to write this picture heavy post! I have prepared for you some swatches again - the second part of the ILNP Holo Ultra Chrome Flakies Collection! I will show you today another five polishes from this amazing collection, and then I will have only five remaining! :) These five are probably my favourite five among all the flakies I have. And on top of this list is definitely Electric Carnival - both the original and the holo version! Wanna see them in action? Check the swatches below! :)

As usually, I am going to show you firstly the bottles. They are gorgeous! And I love seeing them lined up... All those colours... Aggghhh! Just take a look at them! :) From left to right: Pheonix (H), Metropolis (H), Neon Rosebud (H), Electric Carnival (H), Brilliance (H). From these, I have the original version of Metropolis and Electric Carnival. And to be honest, I like the original version more. Why? I have no idea! I think that the shift is stronger in the original ones... Maybe I am wrong, but you will see the comparisons later!

Phoenix (H) - is a holographic version of the original Phoenix. This stunning and sexy nail polish shifts through a beautiful range of hues including gold, orange, pink, purple and red depending on your lighting! Amazing colour range, right? All that + holo! Can you imagine!? It has definitely an interesting shift. The formula is really great and the application is flawless - in every single polish from this collection! The swatches are showing two coats over black base colour.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

L to R: Metropolis (H), Phoenix (H), Metropolis (H), Phoenix (H)

Metropolis (H) - is a holo version of the original multichrome flakie nail polish Metropolis. It shifts through super vivid shades of pink, fuchsia, purple, green and you can catch even some shades of blue depending on your lighting. The holographic sparkle gives this polish another dimension. As already said, I prefer the original version, although I am a huge sucker for holos. I really don't have arguments for this, it is just my personal opinion. The swatches are showing two coats over black base.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

L to R: Metropolis (H), Metropolis, Metropolis (H), Metropolis

Neon Rosebud (H) - is a holographic version of Neon Rosebud. The primary color range of this beautiful nail polish travels through super vivid fuchsia, green, and gold with hints of other colors in different lighting! Just..... WOW! I think the photos speak for themselves! Compared to Electric Carnival (H), it has a lack of red colour shift. The swatches are showing two coats over black base colour.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

L to R: Neon Rosebud (H), Electric Carnival (H), Neon Rosebud (H), Electric Carnival (H)

Electric Carnival (H) - is a holo version of Electric Carnival and is simply breathtaking! This mindblower shift through red, pink, gold and green but you can certainly catch some other colours as well. This one is my favourite from the entire collection! I prefer the original version however, but this one is also very nice... if you are going for something that has an incredible holo sparkle in the sun, and shift amazingly in the shade, than Electric Carnival (H) is a must have for you! The swatchesare showing two coats over black.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

L to R: Electric Carnival (H), Electric Carnival, Electric Carnival (H), Electric Carnival

Brilliance (H) - a holographic version of the original ultra chrome flakie Brilliance. The primary colour range of this stunner travels through a pale gold, a pinkish bronze, and a light green. You'll also be able to notice a bunch of other colors like blues, oranges and reds depending on your lighting! This one is so pretty. It has a very big colour range and the colours really pop out - you don't have to spend much time looking at it, to notice all of them! The swatches are showing two coats over black.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Wow, we just came to the end of this post! I must admit it is really hard to capture all the colour in one single photo, that is why I am trying to show the polishes from different angles. I really hope my pictures are doing justice to these beauties. After I will be done with the swatching, I will try to make some nail art combining different flakies - the result has to be something gorgeous! Can not wait to try it! :)

Hope you liked the post, and if not, please let me know what is the thing that bothers you! :) I would really like to hear from you!

<3 Love <3

Get in touch with ILNP: Shop, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube
You can get them at Nailland Hungary as well (once they are in stock): Shop, Facebook, Instagram


  1. Nagy poszt Tara, köszi! :)
    Nekem is jobban tetszik az eredeti flakie, a holo szemcsék elnyomják a színt.

  2. Wow, thanks for such an amazing job. I fall more and more in love with these with every picture.


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