Sunday, 22 March 2015


//Provided For Honest Review//
Hello everyone,

After my yesterday's comparison post, I have decided to show you one of my new A-England polishes in action. But, this time I wasn't looking for swatches. I wanted to see how good this polish works for stamping, because the formula of the polish was great for stamping. And I wasn't disappointed. It stamps great over light colours, but I wanted to make a double stamping (there are my favourites recently), so I went with a hibiscus pattern from of my new Infinity Nails plates. For the details, check the post below.

I decided to make a purple holo base (because I was staring at purple holos the entire week - you know, cuz of the comparison post). So I have chosen a medium purple shade and did two coats of Pahlish - Pop Rock Panic. I applied only two coats, because I knew I will stamp over it, so it didn't have to be fully opaque. I applied a coat of Poshe over it.

Then I used my Infinity Nails Plate 104 and stamped the hibiscus desing unsing firstly A England - The Blessed Damozel and then stamping the same design over it using Mundo de Unas - Lilac. I really liked the result. I finished the manicure with one coat of Poshe.

And before the mani, I did my pedicure. And I knew I will do a matching manicure afterwards, so here is how they look like together! :)

I have also prepared some swatches of this purple A England beauty, so if you want to see them as well, stay with me in the next couple of days. They will be on the blog this coming week! :)

Hope you enjoyed my mani-pedi and my post!
<3 Love <3

Get in touch with Hypnotic Polish: Shop, Facebook, Instagram


  1. Mani & pedi együtt, mindkettő csodás! :)

    1. Koszonom szepen! Szerintem is csodas lett :)

  2. Awww...this is so pretty! Love the base color used and the design is awesome. Love it!!!!

  3. This looks so great! I love the mani and pedi together ;)

    xoxo, Nyx
    Nyx's beauty blog

    1. Thank you so much! <3 Glad you like it :)

  4. Az A-Englad körömlakk álom szép és a nyomdázás olyan 3D effektus kellt. Én egyszer próbáltam a dupla nyomdázást és azt is ellöttem nagyon.

  5. I love the dimension of this mani!


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