Friday, 13 March 2015


Hi ladies,

Today I have prepared something new for you! I guess this is going to be a new category on my blog, since I got a looooot of requests to start making some comparisons. And, because it is spring (ok, not officially, but I can feel it), for my first comparison post I have chosen two spring colours: peach and mint. Saying peach, this includes some coral shades too. Mint is just mint - nah, there are some turqouise shades too! Some tend to be more green than the others, but I just wanted to fill up the swatch wheel! :) Hope you will enjoy it! 

As I was searching for the polishes to include in this post, I realized I have a lot of mint and peach colour polishes. It is like, fifty shades of peach and mint! :) But then again, I was surprised when I swatched them, because there were just a few dupes (yeah for me!!). I always swatch the polishes firstly on the swatch wheel, but for this purpose, I swatched them on the swatch sticks as well, so you can see them better. 

I included in this post 15 mint/turquoise polishes and 18 peach/coral polishes. I must add, that this post is mostly inspired by this post from Julia (sorry, it is only in Hungarian, but you can still look at the photos!). I think Julcsi did a great job... As my photography skills are not so good, there are no bottle shots in this post, but there are a lot of fake tips and amazing polishes!

I will start with the peach & coral polishes. There are different finishes and shades, from the lightest to darker. I tried to arange them by colour, so I if there are any "mistakes", or you would put them in different order, please let me know. I made a table with all the details I think can help you decide which polish to buy. Here are the first nine (number is the same as on the swatch stick, which accidently happens to be upside down on the photos (sorry!) and the +/- for the price is instead of cheap/expensive).

Lets take a look at the pictures!

Here are the comparisons of the second half.

I have taken some closer pictures as well, so you can see better the colour and the finish. 

Now, you can probably say that I am a big fan of peach colour. And I really am. If you read my blog for a longer time, than you know that I am a huge sucker for bright colours and peach is just one of them. 

When it comes to dupes, I would say there are only two of them. Essence - Nothing But Lovestoned is an obvious dupe to Sally Hansen - Peach of Cake. The shade of peach/coral is the exact same and they both have a creme finish. All the other shades don't have their dupes in my stash, which is great - there are slightly differences in shades and finishes. Mostly, if the shade is the same, then the finish is different and vice verse.

If you wonder how some of them look on my nails have a look at the pitures below. I had a lack of time to compare them on my natural nails, but I found on my PC some manis I did using some of my favourite peaches - there are two more at the end of this post, because they are combined with mint polishes! :)

China Glaze - Sun of a Peach

Doctor Lacquer - Lycopene (H)

Sally Hansen - Peach of Cake

Kiko - Light Peach
Did you have enough peaches for today? :) How about some mint & turquoise? As already stated in the intro, there can be some polishes that lean more to green or blue, but if you ask me, in some weird lightening, they are mint. In the table below you can see 18 of my mint polishes:

And here are the swatch sticks! I am so happy I could get these in one photo... I am always glad to see polishes next to each other - it is fun when you realize that again there is only one dupe, maybe two! :) I must admit, I don't give a damn thing to dupes when buying polishes, so this surprises me even more.

Lets have a closer look

My favourite is deffinitely Picture Polish - Tiffany, but Kiko - Mint Milk is very close to it. Kiko polishes have really an amazing formula and you get a lot for the cheap price.

As you can see from the pics above, there are only two dupes here as well. I am talking about China Glaze - Too Yacht To Handle and Kiko - 389 Mint Milk. They are the same from every point of view, the only difference is that Kiko has a better formula so you can get along with one single coat. Catrice - (S)Wimbledon looks very similar to them, but I think it is a shade darker. That applies to China Glaze - At Vase Value and Picture Polish - Tiffany , where Tiffany seems to be a bit darker. Oh, and the two jellies: I think that Essence - Dive With Me To The Island is slightly greener and and a shade lighter than Sally Hansen - Jaded.

Anyway, here are some of my favourite mint & turquoise manicures.

China Glaze - At Vase Value

China Glaze - Keep Calm, Paint On

Picture Polish - Tiffany

And some manicures where I have combined mint and peach polishes!

Kiko - Mint Milk & Kiko - Light Peach

Picture Polish - Tiffany & Sally Hansen - Peach of Cake

And we came to the end of another post. As this was my first comparison post I would love to hear from you girls. Please, feel free to leave your comment, suggestion, anything that you think could be helpful to me to make these comparison post better!

Hope you enjoyed reading it!
<3 Love <3


  1. Nagyon tetszik az új blogkinézet :)
    A bejegyzésre térve pedig : WOW. Nagyon részletes és színes. Az egyetlen baj az, hogy így most több lakk is kellene a fentiek közül, annyira szépek :D
    Szeretem az összehasonlító posztokat, így legalább kiderül, hogy megéri-e megvenni az adott darabot, vagy találunk helyette jobbat :)

    1. Koszi szepen Ciska! :) Orulok hogy tetszik az uj kinezet - frisito, nem? :)
      Hat, az osszehasonlito posztoknak csak egy baja szokot lenni, pont az hogy az olvasas utan MIND kell! :) De remelem segiteni tutdam legalabb egy kicsit!

    2. Igen, nagyon hangulatos lett, persze eddig sem volt problémám a kinézettel, a tartalom miatt már amúgy is nagyon szeretek ide járni :D
      Igen, nagyon sok lakkot befogadnék a fentiek közül :D Szépek! :)

  2. Szép munka ez az összehasonlító bejegyzés! Sajnos néhány lakk meg is tetszett :))

  3. A blog design nagyon szép lett, igazi nyári feeling! A poszt is nagyon tetszik, gyönyörű lakkokat válogattál össze! Bevallom, pár lakk nekem is felkerült a kívánságlistámra. :)))

  4. Love the comparison posts! Hope you will do more.

  5. This was great -if one doesn't have many of a particular color- it provides choices at different price points!

  6. Ohhhhh... peach 17 is gorgeous!! (and so is peach 3 btw) and mint 8 and 15 are gorgeous as well.
    (nope, not going to look up their names... don't want to make my huge wishlist even larger!!)
    Great post :)

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


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