Wednesday, 31 December 2014


//Provided For Honest Review//
Hi girls!

Today I am showing you a brand new Powder Perfect collection - it is called Mysterium Magnum. Powder Perfect is an indie nail polish made in Australia by the lovely lady Jacinta. I had these for about 10 days now, but was just so busy with gift and everything, that I needed a bit more time than usual to edit the pictures.

So, this collection consists of 6 nail polishes - three holos and three glitters/shimmers. I got two full sized bottles, and four minis for a review, that is why there is a slightly difference between the swatches. All of them had great formula, were not thich at all (some minis usually tend to be a bit thicker, but these were not -  a huge +!). I have prepared, as always swatches from two different angles (I love the one with three finger only, because it shows of holos really well).

Ok, now lets move to the swatches! :)

Lorelei - is a dreamy purple polish lit from within with sparkling flakes in fuchsia and teal. Lorelei was a beautiful maiden who was betrayed by her lover and fell to her death from the rocks upon the Rhine River . Since she fell, her song can be heard from the rocks, luring sailors to their death. This is three thin coats.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Lycanthrope - As changeable as the moon itself, Lycanthrope is a purple/green duochrome holographic polish. Werewolf. Shapeshifter. Lycanthrope. These are all names for the same beast. Once a man has been afflicted by this curse, he changes into a wolf during the full moon. The swatches are showing two coats.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Griffon - Griffon is a rich burgundy holographic polish with bright green sparks, perfect for the regal Griffon. The Griffon is a mythical creature that has been recorded in folklore since the times of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Persia. Frequently depicted as having the head and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion, the Griffon has been imbued with the best trait s of both creatures. Pictures below show two coats.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Leviathan - The Leviathan is a gigantic sea monster who inhabit s the deepest abysses of the ocean. A navy holographic polish flecked with small glitters, this polish represents the world in which this beast resides. It was opaque in two coats.

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Faerie - Fun loving and playful, the fair folk are represented in this de licate pink microglitter Polish. But don’t be fooled b y first appearances, as with all the Fae, there is more to be seen up on closer inspection. Pictures show three thin coats on its own!

Soft light

Direct artificial light

Melusina - is a nail polish with a myriad of colours and sizes of glitter suspended in a deep aqua base. Melusina was a water nymph; half woman, half fi sh, but able to take human form. She met a mortal man and made him promise to let her bath in private as a condition of their marriage. He broke his promise and saw that she was a mermaid as she bathed.  Once she discovered his treachery she fled and was n ever seen in human form again. She lives on in the whispers over the water, protecting her descendants.

Soft light

Direct artificial light


I love the story behind each of the polishes. Love the combination of holos and glitters very much. My favorite is Griffon - that deep burgundy color just calls for some love! :)

Which one is your favorite? :) Make sure not to miss this great collection, because some of the polishes are very LE. :)

Get in touch with Powder Perfect: Shop, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest 

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