Thursday, 18 July 2013

GIVEAWAY - 300 likes on Facebook

Good evening girls,

So, as I said before, I started a giveaway, because my Facebook page reached 300 likes today :) I am really happy, and I want to share that with you :)

The rules of my giveaway:

1. Like my Facebook page
2. Like the photo
3. Share the photo
4. Submit your own manicure inspired my mine

This is my manicure you have to be inspired by:

You can submit more photos, as many times as you want. The giveaway is up till 24th of July, 24.00 CET

The manicure, that gets the highest number of likes, wins:) You can expect a couple of polishes as a prize :) I still have to decide...
So, make your friends like your pictures, so you can win... every single like counts :D

And for those who can not find me on Facebook:



  1. Congratulations! You're becoming very popular already.

    Is the competition open internationally?


Thank you for your comment!

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